Projects implemented in Eurochem

Eurochem Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On welcomes every user in Eurochem Group every day, providing them with access to internal IT resources using Windows domain credentials without having to retype their password. Single Sign-On is integrated with WiFi controllers in group's offices, VPN hubs and Active Directory services, enabling transparent authentication for internal web- and ERP-systems. In addition to domain authentication, there is support for local users database as well as OAuth 2.0 support.

Technology used: Ruby/Sinatra
In production since 2011

Integration bus: E-Router

E-Router integration bus lies at core of every integration process in Eurochem. It supports RPC calls using SOAP and XMLRPC, RESTful web-services, access to Oracle and MySQL databases, and acts as a gateway for AS2-based electronic document interchange.

The distinguishing feature of E-Router is simultaneous support of multiple integration landscapes, that allows transfers of integration scenarios from development into QA environment and further into production without  changes to the integration scenario code or configuration.

The detailed description of E-Router is provided on a separate page.

Technology used: Ruby/EventMachine (main process), Ruby/Rails (admin app), Python (auxillary ETL module).
In production since 2011.

Interactive reporting: Flexible

Flexible is a system that allows users to build analytical reports and pivots on top of data stored in company data warehouse. Flexible web-application provides user with an interface to select specific data items, apply a set of  filters to them, configure columns to be used as categories for grouping, and define desired aggregations. 

Reports generated by the system can be displayed as an HTML page (in this case user can switch to drilldown view with a single click on an aggregated or subtotal value), exported into an Excel workbook or consumed in machine-readable form via a web-service.

In this project I was responsible for the system's backend: the reporting engine, web-services API to access the engine, and an API to register a data source with Flexible so that it becomes available to users.

The detailed description of Flexible is provided on a separate page.

Technology used: Ruby/Sinatra/Sequel/Resque (backend), ElasticSearch, JavaScript/Ember.js (client-side app)
In production since 2012

Manufacturing and sales planning: Matrix

Manufacturing and sales planning system Matrix supports planning processes for group's plant in Antwerp and Europe distribution chain. It provides a communication platform for sales, SCM and manufacturing departments and serves as an entry point for sales prices, country delivery quotas, freight rate forecasts, etc. on planning horizon from 3 months to one year.

Matrix provides web-services consumed by Eurochem's CRM system, reporting on such indicators as approved country delivery quotas or gross sales price for product on a specific market.

The detailed description of Matrix is provided on a separate page.

Technology used: Ruby/Rails
In production since 2014

Sale efficiency calculations: Netback

Sales efficiency evaluation system (dubbed in Eurochem as "Netback-calculator") forecasts and evaluates the sales results against several benchmark indicators: net revenue, Sales division's margin, group margin, cost of equity frozen during deal execution, risk capital in accordance with customer's credit rating, compare deal price to market indicatives, and so on. 

Calculator accounts variable costs as they appear on supply chain, moving product from one legal entity to another and from one warehouse to another. Accrued statistics allows forecasting the deal efficiency during the contract negotiations and then refine the forecast as the deal is being executed.

The results of calculations are made available as a Flexible report, and the aggregated results are output to Sales dashboard for operational steering of group's operations. 

Technology: Ruby/Resque/Sinatra microservice
In production since 2016 

Short-term incentive program and KPI operative dashboard

Short-term incentive program module in corporate portal supports motivation process in companies of the group. STIP module of the Eurochem's corprate portal allows each of the program's participants to enter the definition for their goals and KPIs, and approve them by their superiors; the results are approved in the system as well.

The new system with interactive dashboards, that will also introduce monthly reporting and make a heavy use of numeric KPIs, integrations with other IT systems is now under development.

Both current STIP module and the upcoming KPI system are described on this page.

Technology used: Ruby/Rails, Node.js
In production since 2011